The center relies on the generous gifts of our friends to keep our facilities in great shape year round, and to continue to offer
a wide range of educational and other special events to our community.
If you would like to make a donation, please send it to the naure center at the address below. Let us know if this
is in honor or in memory of someone.
Closter Nature Center Association
PO Box 80
Closter, NJ 07624
If you like, you can donate using PayPal, by clicking here and sending your donation to
Amazon Smile Program
The Closter Nature Center has registered with a program called Amazon Smile, where Amazon donates a percentage of eligible purchases back to designated non-profit organizations.
Please note that the Closter Nature Center does not support or recommend any particular retailer over another, but if you shop on Amazon anyway, please consider this program which has no extra cost to you.
To get started, next time you go to Amazon, instead go to and follow the prompts to select the Closter Nature Center as your charity of choice.